GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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"This love for the outdoors and animals was infectious to our family and carried over even after the school year ended. "

“Take a great teacher, Mr. Craig Newberger, who has an absolute passion for the environment and wildlife, give him an outdoor classroom, the Wissahickon Watershed –– where he can wade into the water finding frogs, crayfish and turtles –– and you’ve got the perfect recipe to, as Rich Schellhas would famously say, 'teach like your hair's on fire,' and Mr. Newberger did that every day!

This love for the outdoors and animals was infectious to our family and carried over even after the school year ended. There were adventure trips, summer camps and even Spring Break opportunities to Costa Rica. Mr. Newberger, you have taught us so much about appreciating the environment around the world from our own backyards. We are all very grateful for you.”

– Beth, Ted, Nate ‘21 and Abby '24 Swanson



Teacher Appreciation Week Highlights