GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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Planned Giving

Your Legacy. Their Future.

prek students

Samuel E. Osbourn Society

For three decades, our legendary Head of School, Dr. Samuel E. Osbourn, exemplified visionary leadership and unwavering dedication. As the founder of our endowment, he established a sustainable future for generations of students, fostering a culture of philanthropy among community members that continues to grow. In recognition of his impact and commitment, we proudly named the Planned Giving Society in his honor, ensuring that his legacy remains aligned with those who have followed his example of investment in the Academy’s future.

Leaving a Legacy

Over the years, generous Patriots, like you, have established estate gifts that leave a lasting impact on Germantown Academy.

Gifts that cost you nothing now

  • Bequests
  • Beneficiary designations

Gifts that provide life-income

  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Gifts of non-cash assets

  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Assets
  • Real Estate & Tangible Property

"We are interested in doing our part to ensure that GA always has the financial resources to meet the needs of its community."

Ira and Jenny brownstein P'28 '30

Planned Gifts Are

Make, revise, or add to an existing will

Circumstances change; you an adjust your plans

No Cost
Leave a charitable gift at no cost during your lifetime

When your estate is settled

Campaign Impact

New members of the Samuel E. Osbourn Society who are countable contributors to the Our Moment campaign

Amount pledged through planned gifts in the Our Moment campaign

Examples of Generous Intent

The Legacy Fund - Formally renamed in 2023, this fund combines a number of smaller, yet meaningful planned gifts and now provides a more substantial grant to GA students in need of tuition support.

The Edwin N. Probert II 1760 Performing Arts Scholarship - Named for beloved faculty member, Edwin Probert, this fund was initially established in 2000 by members of the GA community to provide scholarship support to a student demonstrating excellence in the arts.

The Sheble Family Scholarship Fund – Established through the estate plan of John W. ’47 and Barbara L. Sheble, this scholarship fund was realized in 2019 and provides financial aid to deserving Germantown Academy students. We are pleased to continue to share the impact of this legacy gift with family members year after year.

Each unique fund is an example of the thoughtful planning by members of the Samuel E. Osbourn Society and play a significant part in impacting the future of GA students.

How Can I Participate?

Please contact Martin Dean, Associate Director, Institutional Advancement

Mulroy family

"It's deeply gratifying to know that students and teachers will be supported not only today, but for generations to come."

Michael and diana (shank) mulroy '88 P'26