GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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Voces8 Gives Choral Clinic at GA

GA was pleased to host members of the internationally acclaimed choral ensemble, Voces8, for a clinic with the 1759 Singers last week. Voces8 is among the most celebrated professional choral programs in the world. Dr. Anthony Trecek-King, former Artistic Director of the Boston Children's Chorus, was the guest clinician along with Voces8 Foundation members Christopher Short and Grace Kiver. This event was in partnership with the Voces8 Foundation which provides choral music opportunities to more than 40,000 young singers around the world for free. Student singers had a blast with the improv-type clinic and learned a lot about their vocal range.  

“In working with renown clinicians such as Anthony, Christopher, and Grace, the ensemble gained new perspectives on how their own voice works as well as how to connect as an ensemble,” said Middle and Upper School Choral Director Frank Van Atta. “The 1759 Singers also had the opportunity to share one of the pieces we are taking on tour to Japan and will be teaching our collaborative partner choirs while we are on tour.”

Thanks to their hard work, the 1759 Singers were also invited to be part of the world premiere performance of Voces8’s newest ensemble, Lyyra, in Philadelphia this April, and look forward to future collaborations. The singers are eager to apply everything they learned as part of this experience to their performances this spring. 

Click here for more photos and videos from the clinic.