Juniors Taryn DiFranco, Ben Getson, Caroline Smith, and Aiden Swartz represented GA at the PA Junior Classical League’s 44th annual state Latin convention at Penn State. This year’s theme was ‘Multa, quae impedita natura sunt, consilio expediuntur’ (Many things which are naturally difficult are solved by ingenuity) -Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, XXV.11.
GA students met Latin peers from across the state who share their passion for Latin and promoting the study of the classics. They competed in sight reading contests, academic testing, art projects, and the ‘ludi’ track meet. With some big wins from DiFranco in the modern myth and sightreading contests, Getson in the realms of grammar and geography, Smith in the rubber chicken toss, and Swartz in the track meet, GA came in 3rd Place among the Division I schools at their first convention. Some of their favorite events included Certamen (a Latin trivia contest), a toga party, and of course a stop at the Creamery!
First-year Upper School Latin Teacher Lindsey Stamer expressed her pride in working with students who display such enthusiasm and dedication towards learning Latin. "It is an honor to work with students who take such joy, initiative, and pride in learning Latin. These founding leaders of our Classics Club connected with students across PA who share their passion for the classics. They did an excellent job at their first convention, and we’re so looking forward to next year!"
Swartz also shared his excitement about the convention, stating that it was a great opportunity to showcase their knowledge and growth in the language to their classmates and students from other schools. "All of the students who went have been taking Latin with each other in the same class since 6th grade, so having the ability to show off what we have learned since then with each other - and the students from other schools as well - was very fulfilling. While our delegation was on the smaller side compared to some of the larger public schools that attended, we certainly made up for our lack of members with enthusiasm and school pride." Swartz believes that the passion and love for learning demonstrated by the teachers at the convention make Latin feel more alive than ever. He is already looking forward to attending next year's convention.