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Mission Award Spotlight: Jennifer Ehinger '88

Congratulations to our inaugural recipients of the Alumni Mission Award! We are proud to officially honor them during GA/PCDay & Alumni Weekend. Please enjoy reading excerpts from their nominations to see how they are all Independent in Thought, Confident in Expression, Compassionate in Spirit, Collaborative in Action, and Honorable in Deed. 

Each day, GA will feature a separate Mission Award winner with an online story. All five of the Mission Award winners will be honored throughout the weekend, including the All Alumni party at MaGerk's Pub & Grill on Saturday, November 9 (4-7pm).


Jen has worked tirelessly to improve the lives and the futures of poverty-stricken children of Uganda.  In addition to being a mother of two children and a Principal at Certified Abstract Company, Inc., Jen finds not only time, but also boundless energy to bring hope for a bright future to these children. Jen has traveled to Africa five times—three times to Uganda, once to Cameroon, and once to Kenya. Her work in Uganda has been both independent and also in conjunction with a non-profit that has, over the last 10 years, worked to build and grow a high school in Uganda providing impoverished children a chance for an excellent education. While visiting Uganda, Jen travels out of the developed areas into poverty-stricken regions to meet people and understand their challenges and struggles. She brings with her important items from the U.S. such as shoes and clothing. Jen has literally been down on the ground putting shoes on children who otherwise spend their days barefoot in the dirt. While on one visit to Uganda, Jen saw an elementary school (that serves 100 students) in desperate need of being rebuilt. She took immediate action and within a few hours, right there on her phone from Uganda, Jen raised the money to rebuild the school that looked like nothing more than a stable for cows and goats. She has raised money to transform another school by cementing dirt floors and installing a well to provide clean water for the students.