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Mission Award Spotlight: Eugene Golson '76, P'06

Congratulations to our inaugural recipients of the Alumni Mission Award! We are proud to officially honor them during GA/PCDay & Alumni Weekend. Please enjoy reading excerpts from their nominations to see how they are all Independent in Thought, Confident in Expression, Compassionate in Spirit, Collaborative in Action, and Honorable in Deed. 

Each day, GA will feature a separate Mission Award winner with an online story. All five of the Mission Award winners will be honored throughout the weekend, including the All Alumni party at MaGerk's Pub & Grill on Saturday, November 9 (4-7pm).


An educator and administrator for the School District of Philadelphia for 38 years, Gene Golson (pictured far right) brought about an unwavering commitment to excellence from both his students and his staff. Passionate about arts education and wanting to engage his students in the creative world, he worked with the Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership (PAEP) through his former school, Creighton Elementary, to help students, seniors, and special populations in schools and community site environments to encourage excellence in arts education practice. In addition to his work in the schools, Gene mentored students through his church and held various leadership roles, including President of  Ye Olde Philadelphia Club. Founded in 1926, the Club’s mission “is to establish representative behavior among African-American men and encourage its membership to be independently engaged and active in civic ventures.”  In 2015, he won the organization’s Appreciation Award, along with former Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey (above left). Gene retired in 2017 and is now a counselor at Carson Valley Children’s Aid.