The Middle School musical, Willy Wonka, was a scrumdiddlyumptious hit that played to two sold-out crowds. It was a ton of fun to watch the fantastic choreography of the Oompa Loompas and Veruca Salt being as bratty as ever! The show also offered behind-the-scenes opportunities by the MS students. The large cast and production crew was a big reason Director and MS Drama Teacher Joanna Rominger chose Willy Wonka.
The large cast allowed students of different areas of experience to participate, which included student leadership within the production team. From taking charge of make-up and hair, providing support with costumes, choreography, and stage crew, the students were able to learn more about putting together a production.
Rominger said, “One additional role that made this show different than others in the past was the class I piloted - a new 8th grade elective focusing on Costume Design. Sixteen students researched the show, and created original designs that attendees saw come alive in each costume worn by the cast members.”
There were also Upper School students who assisted the MS crew and took on additional responsibilities themselves. Younger students working with older students was a huge benefit for both!
Tech Theatre Director Paul Moffitt said, “One of the things that is a priority for me in the Tech Theatre Department is teaching leadership skills. The only way to really do that is by having older student leaders in their chosen fields (lighting, sound, management, props, etc.) mentor others. During the process I give feedback and having the program be vertically integrated across divisions makes a lot of sense.”
Willy Wonka was a MS show that became more than singing and dancing on stage. It provided a space where students could learn by doing. “The dynamic between the MS cast and crew along with the US crew members was like nothing I’ve experienced before,” said Rominger. “It was incredibly special to see the students across both divisions come together on and off the stage and create relationships that will hopefully carry into future productions.”