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"Kids Teaching Kids" Uses Hands-On Learning

germantown academy upper school students help pre-k and kindergarten students with crafts

Kids Teaching Kids (KTK) is one of the most loved activities at GA for PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and Upper School students who gather for scientific hands-on learning. The Upper School KTK Club is filled with volunteers who love leaning germantown academy upper school students help pre-k and kindergarten students with class projectsdown and teaching a much smaller learner. Kindergarten teacher, Deena Cross’89, recently took her class over to the Upper School to create an old-school spinning toy. The toy demonstrates how your eyes are tricked into seeing one thing that it’s not. Kindergartners colored in shapes, and then the Upper and Lower School students worked together to get the toy to spin fast, making the colors look solid.

Everyone had so much fun working together and being with each other. “The big kids are a treat to work with,” said Upper School Science Teacher Mike Rheam. “They do such a good job helping the Kindergarten kids with their projects; patiently answering questions and coaching them through how to follow the instructions. The big kids also have fun trying to practice with the spinning disks. Sometimes the little kids figure out the right technique first! I also like to remind the Upper School students that one of the lessons we can take away is how to keep going if something doesn’t work the first time.”