A poet, a teacher, a mentor, a friend.
After 25 years, Julia Blumenreich’s tenure at GA will come to an end.
A fourth-grade teacher since ’97-’98,
A warm and caring educator,
with the passion to innovate.
Industrial Revolution Town Hall to The Constitutional Convention,
to Ellis Island to learn about immigration…
She took on roles to make the history jump off the page,
All of this to help the students engage.
Governor of Walden, Michigan and a strict forewoman in a factory…
…that employed children.
An immigration officer tasked to decide,
if children entering America would be allowed to reside.
Let’s not forget Julia’s passion––poetry,
a way to teach her students lessons in literacy.
Another passion project has been embryology.
A tool to teach fourth-graders how animals come to be.
From chickens to turkeys to ducks to quail,
Now, each class has an incubator to hatch eggs without fail.
Her innovative teaching and ideas didn’t come without rewards.
She is the recipient of Distinguished Teaching, Mission, and Milken National Educator Awards.
Julia is also a member of the Class of 1760,
And served as a Faculty Speaker and delivered words in front of many.
While she’s regarded with high esteem,
She gives thanks to everyone on her GA and Lower School team.
She also wants her colleagues to know:
“…the respect I feel for the administrators, teachers and staff who are always innovating, encourage me to change and grow.”
There are so many things she loves about GA,
But here are some reasons that inspired her to remain:
“First, the opportunity to teach in the most supportive environment I could imagine.
Second, the children: their wonder, their talents, their enthusiasm.”
A woman who stands by the GA civility pledge and mission,
her next stages of life will come as an easy decision:
As a poet, she’s working on her next book.
She plans to read and write daily, pastimes she won’t overlook.
Traveling and volunteering are plans for Mrs. B.,
As well as helping children and adults with literacy.
She can’t forget the parent community who have entrusted her with their children each and every day.
“With every cell of my being, I am so lucky to have spent most of my teaching career here at GA.”