Germantown Academy has been awarded a Whitemarsh Township Green Recognition Award by unanimous vote. The Green Organization Recognition Program highlights local businesses and organizations in Whitemarsh that are acting as stewards of our township and of our planet by recognizing those that have taken significant and meaningful steps in one or more of these areas: reducing CO2 emissions, increasing biodiversity, significantly reducing waste, managing stormwater, and using best practices for management and maintenance of their property.
GA's Director of Nature Programming and Middle School Science Teacher Maura Saurman applied for the GORP Award during the spring. This past summer, Saurman and GA's Upper School Science Department Head Sarah Kesten gave the committee a tour of the green spaces on campus. This tour highlighted GA’s resource management initiatives such as the Preserve, new turf fields, green roof, apiary, grey water catchment system, and academic courtyard.
“Serious kudos to GA’s science teachers and our facilities team for working so hard to support meaningful sustainability on our campus," said Head of School Rich Schellhas 1760. "Fourteen years ago, when we rebuilt our MS and US buildings and renovated and redesigned all of our fields, courts, and stadium, the overarching goal was for GA to shift our focus toward the incredible environmental resources literally in our back (and front!) yard. Seeing the thoughtfulness and dedication of our employees in orienting our students toward these features brings great pride to me and our entire community.”