The Germantown Academy community stepped up to help the people of Ukraine in a variety of ways. The all-school Community Service Organization (CSO) worked together across the divisions for the past week to bring in monetary and medical supply donations before employees and Middle and Upper School students participated in a dress down day that incorporated the colors of the Ukraine flag, blue and yellow.
Daniel D. ’28, whose family hails from Ukraine, gave a presentation to the entire Middle School about the refugee crisis. His family will be shipping the donated supplies to Poland and then they will travel on a green [safe] corridor directly into Ukraine. There were contributions from outside the GA community as well, with Doylestown Hospital and Johnson & Johnson donating medical supplies. In addition to the supplies that will be sent, Middle School students created handmade cards to go in all of the boxes.
THANK YOU to all of our students, families, and employees who donated to this worthy cause. #collaborativeinaction #Ukraine