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Belfry Club Nominated for Five Philadelphia Independence Awards

The award-winning Belfry Club, the nation's oldest, continuously-run high school dramatic club, received five nominations from the Philadelphia Independence Awards for its November 2018 production of Chess.


  • Male Vocalist: Danny Ritz '19
  • Solo Dance: Alex Kafrissen '20
  • Dance Ensemble: Russians
  • Ensemble: Chess Ensemble
  • Light: Daryl Dohner '19 (Lighting Designer), Allan Kaufman (Master Electrician), Tara Babal '20 (Follow Spot), Perry Fraser '22 (Follow Spot)

The Philadelphia Independence Awards were created by high school theater teachers and directors for the purpose of sharing and awarding outstanding student theater performances and productions in the Philadelphia region. This year's award ceremony will be held at the Temple University Performing Arts Center on May 20, 2019.

Earlier this year, the Belfry Club also received eight nominations from the Greater Philadelphia Cappies organization for its March production of RumorsThe Greater Philadelphia Area Cappies Gala will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2019 at Unionville High School at 4:30pm.