The Inter-Academic Athletic League Directors of Athletics named their recipients of the annual Inter-Ac AD’s Awards. The AD’s Award is presented annually to a senior girl and/or senior boy who has been a multi-sport varsity athlete and has exemplified dedication to their team and school. Recipients are considered to be outstanding representatives of the Inter-Ac League in sportsmanship and leadership. The AD’s Award began as the Willard Award in 1997 and from 1997-2010 the award recognized accomplished three sport athletes within the Girls Inter-Ac League. After the Boys and Girls’ Leagues merged in 2013, the award became the AD’s Award. Boys were first recognized with this award in 2019.
Alexis Goodridge '22 and Jacob Hsu '22 earned the recognition for Germantown Academy.
Alexis Goodridge
Sports: Soccer (capt.) / Basketball (capt.) / Track & Field
Thank you to all of my coaches and teammates who have made my athletic journey at GA so special. I am so grateful for the lifelong friends and endless memories I've made over the past four years. – Alexis Goodridge
Any coach is lucky to have Alex be a part of their team and program. She’s a encouraging presence around her teammates, she is ever positive, and she’s a fierce competitor. It just so happens that she’s also a phenomenal athlete who can lead not only by her words, but also her actions. She doesn’t shy away from a challenge, and she steps up in the biggest meets and at the biggest moments. She’s been our swiss army knife, stepping up and scoring points in any event from the 100 through the 400 and the long jump as well. Simply put, Alex has been an indispensable part of the success the Girls Track and Field program has had these past four years. She’ll be deeply missed. – Coach Dion Lehman – Track and Field
Alex Goodridge can, often times, make hard work look easy. But one shouldn’t allow the speed and the grace with which she plays to fool us. Her deft touch on the ball, her preternatural spatial awareness on the field of play, and her poise in even the most challenging moments, come from a tireless work ethic, an unparalleled determination, and a ceaseless drive to excel. Alex is certainly one of the most talented players that I have coached in the past decade, more importantly though, she is, without a doubt, among the most coachable – and teachable – student athletes that I have ever worked with. Honestly, it was a privilege sharing the soccer field and the classroom with her over the course of the past four years. – Coach Chris Nelson –Soccer
Alex is an amazing person and athlete. She was the perfect captain for our young varsity basketball team. Leading by example, she consistently modeled maturity, kindness, and commitment. – Coach Sherri Retif – Basketball
Jacob Hsu
Sports: Football (capt.) / Basketball (capt.)
From my journeys in elementary school on the soccer, lacrosse, and baseball fields to my endeavors in the football and basketball arenas today, sports have been one of the most integral parts of my entire life. Beyond being an escape from the daily challenges of school, sports have taught me about the way in which I should approach life. Athletics have instilled in me a work ethic and mental toughness that can be found in no other areas. I have applied these values to my academic side and owe much of my academic success to the lessons I have learned from sports. Sports have also been a critical point of connection between me and my family and friends. Growing up, baseball connected my grandfather and I. Today, my family and I bond over attending Sunday afternoon Eagles games or Friday night Sixers games. I have endless memories traveling to differing golf course to play with my father. I am most grateful to sports for the long-lasting relationships it has brought me with my best friends and teammates. – Jake Hsu
Simply put, Jake Hsu is one of the finest human beings to walk the halls at Germantown Academy. He is the most selfless leader that I have ever coached. He puts his teammates and his team ahead of himself every single day. He truly cares about others and lifts them up constantly. He is the ultimate captain and our school is better for his presence. Jake is also one of the most talented athletes that I have coached in my 10 years at GA. Everything that he does, he does 100%. He is one of the few guys that I have coached that could turn his effort level on and off and still be effective. However, we would never see that because he never, ever turned it off. He is everything good about athletics and competitive team sports. He is an all-time great (person, student, athlete) and I know that he will do great things at the University of Pennsylvania both on the football field and off. I am truly proud to have been his football coach. – Coach Matt Dence – Football
I am tremendously proud of Jake for being recognized with the Athletic Director’s Award. Jake truly embodies what it means to be a high achieving student-athlete. His work ethic and humility set him apart, and he earned the trust of his teammates and coaches with captain selections in both football and basketball. Even more impressive, it is the work Jake has done in the classroom and the community that makes him such a special young man. The Germantown Academy community has been blessed to have him. Jake is a special competitor and wonderful GA representative who will be missed as he moves on to the University of Pennsylvania this fall. – Coach Matt Dolan –Basketball