GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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A Letter to Lower School Families

Dear Lower School Families,

I hope this letter finds you well.  I know many families have canceled their spring break trips and are potentially spending the next two weeks around the house trying to socially distance themselves. Being in such close quarters with your family for an extended time period can be stressful, but can be also be “found” time for playing board games, baking, creating, reading together, and spending time outdoors. I would like to share some ideas and resources that can make the next couple of weeks a little easier for you and your children. 

First, create routines and have a daily schedule. Consistent routines and schedules let children know the plan for the day, which gives them a sense of predictability and order. A schedule also helps parents organize and fill their child’s time. This will help to reduce some stress or anxiety family members may be experiencing around the current circumstances. It is important to get your child’s input when creating the schedule. If you are working from home it is also important to schedule some time when children can have your attention (lunch time, brain breaks for you, etc.). Parents can let children know when they must ‘go to work’ and it is children’s job to do what has been planned as a ‘must do’ or ‘choice activity’ at that time.  Children benefit from the structure and an understanding of how your schedule intersects with their own. Parents can also set the routine and ground rules for how to check in with parents while they are working from home.

Here is a sample spring break schedule (can be modified for virtual school days):



Wake up time (breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth, make bed, tidy room, care for pets etc.)



Reading (independently or with your child) or game time (board games, card games)


Outside/exercise time (go on a walk/hike, yoga, basketball, play catch, set up an obstacle course)


Snack time



Creative Time (Legos, Magnatiles, drawing, crafting, cook or bake)


Lunch time (help prepare lunch, eat and help clean up kitchen)



Quiet time (reading, puzzles, nap/rest, listen to music, quiet imaginary play, independent play, listen to podcasts)


Educational video time (educational games or nature shows) or social video time (facetime with friends/relatives or gaming with friends)


Outside time again (bike, scooter, sidewalk chalk, walk/hike, play catch) 


Creative Time



Dinner (ask everyone to state something that they were grateful for that day)



Free time (video, movies, reading…)



Stories and other bedtime rituals


Second, be patient and kind with yourself and your family. This is a difficult time due to a high level of uncertainty and we might not have access to our usual distractions and socialization opportunities. Use your favorite coping strategies such as mindfulness, listening to music, journaling, exercise, taking a bath or reading. This is a great time to learn new coping skills as well and to model for your children how to help yourself when things feel hard. You can also involve your children in learning new coping skills with you.  Remember, eating well and sleeping enough are also good ways to take care of yourself. There are many wonderful apps out there such as, head,,, and

Please send me an email if you would like to talk about any concerns for yourself or your child.  I will get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Warm Regards,

Dr. Amy Rosenbaum
Lower School Psychologist